An Introduction

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to my new adventure, my blog titled: “Vania’s Musings (EMDR and other things)”.

This blog came to life after almost 20 years of practice as a psychologist with about 15 of them using EMDR therapy as one of my main treatment modalities (along with the CBT).

This blog will be mostly about EMDR therapy and my personal experience in the world of EMDR, as a therapist, accredited consultant with EMDR Australia Association (EMDRAA), EMDR New Zealand Association (EMDRNZ) and EMDR International Association, USA (EMDRIA), and accredited trainer with EMDRAA and EMDRNZ.

You will probably find some mix-up in thoughts display and grammar. English is not my first (not even my second) language. I hail from Bulgaria, a small former communist country situated on the Balkan Peninsula in the southeastern corner of Europe. We have a funny way of saying “Yes” and “No” by shaking our heads in the opposite direction of common perception. We also have plenty of provers and sayings for every situation imaginable. You will certainly hear more about Bulgarians and my take on my Bulgarian identity (a lot of spice there). 

I am now a contented Kiwi, having spent over two decades in New Zealand—another small country, nestled at the opposite end of our magnificent world. New Zealand’s unique quirks and life attitudes also have left an indelible mark on my identity. Similarly, to my Bulgarian heritage, my life has also been shaped by encountering a fascinating array of life events, both ordinary and amazing. I look forward to sharing more of these stories with you.

I hope my musings will give you some food for thought and sometimes make you smile. A good pinch of laughter can spice up any dull and brighten up any dark moment, right? 

I would love to hear your feedback or comments on my musings. Don’t be shy! Cheers for now.

Vania Miteva


Passing the Baton: The Relay of EMDR Conferences