ABC vs "War and Peace": EMDR Basic Training vs Upskilling

Greetings from Wintry Aotearoa, New Zealand!

Our land stretches over 1600 km, weaving black ice, snow-capped peaks, and the occasional (or frequent) downpour, alongside a curious blend of gumboots and jandals (flip-flops), depending on your location.

While I am keeping the fire going at home, my blended and globally dispersed family enjoys experiencing winter and summer in tandem. So, there is always an option for a holiday in one’s favourite season.

Our grandchildren from teens to preschoolers navigate four educational systems, including New Zealand’s. Observing their learning journeys, I find intriguing parallels between early schooling and the EMDR Basic Training.

Universal Foundations: ABCs and EMDR Basics

Whether a child learns in Auckland or Anchorage, the ABCs remain a universal starting point in the world. And just as children string letters into words and words into sentences, EMDR trainees begin by mastering the foundational components.

A child’s first sentences—simple subject-verb constructs—lay the groundwork for language. Likewise, EMDR trainees learn the building blocks of this transformational therapy, which later becomes the “language of EMDR”.

The Temptation of Complexity

As an EMDR trainer, I’ve witnessed the appeal of diving straight into the “magic” of EMDR therapy. Trainees often yearn to explore advanced applications immediately. And this is understandable. Francine Shapiro’s foundational text for this evidence-based therapy has now inspired a wealth of amazing literature. Although in my view, Shapiro’s work is sufficient in most circumstances, trainees can now find dozens of adaptations of the standard protocol for any population one can think of. There are new books on EMDR and dissociation, psychosis, pain and anything in between. These are new and exciting techniques that look sometimes sleek, sometimes clunky, but always interesting, like shiny new toys for primary school children.

However, teaching complex techniques without a solid foundation is a bit like introducing quantum physics to a child before the child learns to read. Skipping the basics risks misunderstanding and can lead practice avoidance or compromise the fidelity of the therapy.

The challenge for us, the trainers, is to hold the enthusiasm and to channel it, so it does not become destructive to our trainees and, more importantly, to their clients, who entrust them with their life problems.

The Old-Fashioned Wisdom

Some might label me old-fashioned, but I firmly believe that mastering the fundamentals matters.

Without this foundational knowledge, our trainees may find themselves bewildered when navigating the complexities of advanced EMDR applications. It’s like being given “War and Peace” to read without being taught the alphabet—a sure recipe for confusion.

Igniting Curiosity and Joy

My role as an EMDR trainer is to ignite curiosity and joy while also navigating the basics of EMDR therapy. This can be a challenge, because sometimes the Basic Training can look too “basic”, too boring and too repetitive. But if I succeed, my trainees will feel confident to explore the vast EMDR universe, feeling secure with their solid foundation.

Whether they ‘only’ become good EMDR “tradies” or bright stars in the field, doesn’t matter much. We need both in the world of EMDR. What matters is that my trainees keep the fire going, so they can lighten up the lives of their clients. This is how you pass on hope.

Witnessing Transformation

Being an EMDR “primary teacher” fills me with delight. That “aha!” moment when trainees grasp the basics—it’s like witnessing the birth of something monumental.

From ABCs to their therapeutic epics, the transformation begins. I’m confident that there are future champions in my classes, regardless of their chosen path. They’ll weave letters into words, words into sentences, and perhaps pen their own “War and Peace” in the realm of EMDR therapy.

So, three cheers to the alphabet of EMDR, the journey from basics to brilliance is universal.


Landing on My Feet or on Life and EMDR Podcast


Passing the Baton: The Relay of EMDR Conferences